Friday, April 20, 2007

Stupid Pickpocket!

You didn't have to ruin my bag! Hmpf!Darn person took my wallet. From my bag. Here’s the thing, somehow, he/she/IT got my bag open. So, that’s it right? All you have to do is get the wallet? But no- IT still tries to slash the edge of the bag. I wonder why… The wallet’s right there, not hidden at all. Maybe IT’s thinking that would have been too easy.

Well, off IT goes slashing the edge of my bag, but like I said, nothing’s there.

SOOOo.. IT sees in my bag.

  • Cellphone (inexpensiveish)
  • Wallet
  • Heavy Duty Camera
  • Mini Digi CameraRuined bag... sad

And what does he pick?? The wallet! LOL!!! If I were to choose between those, adn take note, I don’t look like a settled, rich, housewife or nothing. I look like a lost little twenty something girl with no source of income whatsoever LOL!! And IT chooses to take the wallet. Over everything else. (Heck I’d have taken the camera! The big ass one! Or the mini one!)

Poor IT, all IT got was like definitely less than a thousand pesos.

Everytime something gets stolen from me, cash especially, I just tell myself, “It’s okay. IT needs it more than I do.. Maybe for IT’s kids’ tuition fees or rent or something more important than a pair of wedges…” - but right now? Well… what you got in my wallet ain’t gonna take you far, my friend. Ish.

I get to have to take my bag (like REEAALLY now) to Mr. Quickie, and you? Well…. here-

Hmpf! Mr Quickie.What’s in my wallet:

  • Bills amounting to less than PhP 1000.00
  • Credit Card - cancelled. Goodluck using that.
  • Gym ID -uhm… sure…. just try LOL!
  • UP ID - yeah so what? now you know that I’ve never been to the library. bleh!
  • Healthy Options ID - okay… go get your free magazines.
  • Old Calling Cards - meh! am getting new ones anyway
  • My Brother’s Calling Card - argh!!! THIS i want back! hmpf!!
  • Other people’s calling cards - hmmm…. press people.. and animal welfare groups… and veterinarians.. okay….
  • Picture of me and my highschool friends - okay, I sorta want this back too
  • Picture of my nephews G.E., N.E, and J - well it was a nice picture.
  • Picture of Hershey - DAMN YOU!!!! i want THIS BACK YOU LIL MAGGOT!!!
  • Old ATM Cards - yeah all cashed out when I decided to donate everything to charity last year. nye nye nye nye nye :P
  • 0920 500 0505 - Sim Card given to me before. i really liked this number…. hmpf! but that’s like inactive already and suspended coz it hasn’t been used in over a year! :P

So…. whatcha gonna do with these items now huh? Just call me. My card’s there. It’s the pink one. And give me back them things i want. And I’ll treat you to like merienda at new City or Buddy’s.

Mr. Quickie best be able to work miracles….

Seriously… I wonder what IT’ll do with these junk in my bag?

1 comment:

agapeia26 said...


well, my brother’s card, stop showin it off and keep it HERE

the pictures, put them with the other old pics. the simcard, have it activated again. and gym id- keep elsewhere.

the cash
- get my nails done!!!!!!
- do my groceries (needed huh)
- give it to the Church