Japan’s taking over the world!!
Animania has spread it’s parasol worldwide! Everywhere, Japanese architects and engineers are continuously heading projects and building skyscrapers! Japanese scientists are inventing technological gadgets that would make nobel prize winners drop their jaws! All over the world, Japanese merchandise has made itself a member of an ordinary family’s list of bare necessities! They’re a bunch of ingenious creatures! Way ahead of this time and way impervious to the sinking ships some of us find ourselves in.
And who can blame them for being so freaking great? While we were wiping muds off our shoes, they designed plastic boots that would protect footwear from nature’s troubles. While we were making home family videos, they were shooting documentaries that would help explain the mass extinction that occurred millions of years ago. While we were sending rockets to space, they have created satellites that sends back pictures of earth and displays it in an oversized hanging spherical lcd (Geo-Cosmos), which they created while we were taking our afternoon naps! They’re so advanced it’s beginning to creep me out!
I mean, how do we know for sure that they wouldn’t turn on the rest of the earth when they’re capable of surviving on their own? How could we, mere earthlings amongst their presence, defend ourselves from their
wait a minute… they made Airconditioned suits??? Damn and I just said that the Philippine summer’s killing me…. … and… what’s this? they got painless injections??? Double dang!! And there was even a time in my life when I seriously would rather drop dead than get pricked by a needle!!
okay. I’m out!
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